
Maria Arredondo 《catch me if I fall》


Maria Arredondo 《catch me if I fall》

Maria Arredondo,1985年七月六日降生于挪威的文内斯拉(Vennesla)小镇。和很多出色的歌手一样,Maria从很小的时候便显露了过人的音乐天赋。她的母亲说她是“从会走路的那天起,就会唱歌了”。她从10岁起就开始参加地区的各种歌唱比赛,成绩颇佳。她用了两年时间慢慢寻找自我风格,然后签订了自己的唱片合同。她可以唱各种各样的歌,从慢而深情的“Cross Every River"到疯狂有力的快歌如“Mad Summer”。是个跨过古典和流行界的歌手。

她的第一张同名专辑请来了诸如Jonas von Der Burg, Espen Lind, 这样的大牌制作人。作曲者也是水准很高,Christian Ingebrigtsen,Silje Nergaard等都为她操刀动笔。这张专辑甫一出世,就在挪威最大的报纸的音乐版上获得了最高的评价。它的销量是白金。第一首单曲“Can let go”于2002年5月推出,名叫她的第3首单曲,与Christian Ingebrigtsen合唱的“In love with an angel”空降冠军,同样是白金销量。Maria的嗓子有些象流行天后Mariah Carey,但是比后者要稍微男性一点点。我认为Maria的声线非常好,性感但不做作,有力但不炫耀,明亮但不过分照人。她的低音很沉,很女人但是又很自立,高音千回百转,闻之泪下。汗,我对她确实是一见钟情的喜欢。。只听了一句歌就疯狂迷上了她。推荐她的Burning!!非常棒的曲子。。。诱惑力,爱情,妖娆的盘绕让人无法拒绝。另一首歌Cross Every River,MTV拍得可爱之至。可是听她在那里唱“I will climb every mountain if it could bring you back to me...I will part every ocean I will catch every stars,I will cross every river to be right where you are...”感动,真的只能说感动。


Ooh I need someone to hold me
I need someone to take my hand
Who always understands
You will never that someone
Who's always by my side
To shelter me with pride
I will keep searching till I've found
Someone who never lets me down

Someone to catch me if I fall
To see me through it all
Someone to depend upon
I can always call
Someone who makes me strong
Who shows me right from wrong
Someone always standing tall
Someone who will catch me if I fall

I need you to protect me
Instead of begging me to stay
You're pushing me away
Time to end this disillusion
I need to find out for myself
Before I cry for help
Until I find someone who cares
Someone who'll always will be there

Someone to catch me if I fall
To see me through it all
Someone to depend upon
I can always call
Someone who makes me strong
Who shows me right from wrong
Someone always standing tall
Someone who will catch me if I fall

I know you think I'm on the run
But I'm just looking for the one

Who'll catch me if I fall
Who'll see me through it all
Someone to depend upon
I can always call
Someone who makes me strong
Who shows me right from wrong
Someone always standing tall
Someone who will catch me if I fall

  • e然潇洒 金币 +18 感谢支持本版块 下次希望看到兄弟大作 2008-7-23 09:48


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