英文姓名:Don Philip Robertson
生 日:1975年2月16日
身 高:180公分
体 重:169磅
星 座:水瓶座
兴 趣:唱歌、健身
喜爱的歌手:Amy Grant, Billy Ocean, Kenny Loggins, Bon Jovi
17岁那一年,唐飞已担任PEOBO BRYSON及TAYLOR BAYNE的巡回演唱会开场歌手,并获得GLORIA ESTEFAN的赏,成为他的专属合音歌手。
在偶然的机会里,唐飞遇到了超级男孩的其中2位制作人,他们鼓励唐飞往纽约发展,并且安排他与JIVE唱片公司高层主管面试。在JIVE唱片公司有计划性的曝光之下,唐飞(DON PHILIP)曾为电影《恶劣芳邻》献唱过一首歌,但最让人印象深刻的是他与小甜甜布兰妮所合唱的「旧情也绵绵I WILL STILL LOVE YOU」,这首歌收录在布兰妮的首张专辑『爱的初告白』中,而他的歌唱实力令布兰妮也赞不绝口。
I'll Leave It Up To You:
I'll Leave It Up To You 歌词
Tell me what you wanna do
I will leave it up to you
But I don't wanna lose you now
Tomorrow or forever
I'll give you all the time you need
Hoping you will come to see
That you and I were meant to be
Made to be together
I'm so scared
I never thought I'd lose the
Love we shared
The love that always felt so right
CHORUS:I'll leave it up to you,'cause I know
I could never let you go
I'll leave it up to you to decide
Search your heart your soul my eyes
I promise you there's no deeper love than mine
We could try to start again
We were once the best of friends
Tell me you remember when
You couldn't live without me
I can't believe
There's nothing I can do about it Baby please
Why can't we give it one more chance
I promise you there's no deeper love
Tell me what you want to do
I'll leave it up to you
http://podcast.hjbbs.com/podcast ... 12880449689_190.mp3