A Anal sex. A-Levels Anal sex. Abstinence Refraining from all sexual activity Abstinence Only Curricula Sexuality education programs that advocate sexual abstinence before marriage. They do not provide information about contraception, safer sex, or sexual orientation. AC/DC Bisexual. Active The aggressive sexual partner Agate A small penis Age of Consent The age at which one is considered old enough to decide to have sexual intercourse. Age of Majority The age at which one becomes a legal adult. Age play Role playing involving pretending to be a child and often wearing children's clothing. Adult babies. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) A set of conditions associated with the last stages of HIV disease Algolagnia Another word for sadomasochism (SM) Algolagnia is when pain is transformed into sexual pleasure Alternative sexuality A sexual orientation with a few variations that differ from vaginal intercourse when a monogamous heterosexual relationship has been established Alternative lifestyle Sexual preference that is very different from the "norm," making it necessary and/or desirable. If the alternative sexuality is less common than the norm it will push the individual to reach an accepted subculture Alveoli Sacs inside the breast that produce milk Androgens: Certain hormones that stimulate male sexual development and secondary male sex characteristics. They are most abundantly produced in the testicles of men but are also produced in small amounts in women's ovaries. The most common androgen is testosterone Androgynous / Androgyny One who is / the quality of simultaneously exhibiting "masculine" and "feminine" characteristics. Androgyny: A person psychologically intermediate between male and female; or a person who rejects a specifically male or female gender role. Animal play When one or both partners pretend to be an animal (Ex: dog, horse) in a role play Anal /Anal intercourse Using the rectum for Sexual Intercourse Anilingus Kissing and penetration of the anus by tongue Anorgasmia The inability to have an orgasm. Anus The opening of the rectum Aphrodisiac A substance that is supposed to increase sexual desire Areola The dark area surrounding the nipples of women and men Around the world Kissing the entire body before sex Asexual Absence of sexual feeling Auto-eroticism Masturbation Auto-fellatio Performing fellation on ones own penis Auto-sadism An act whereby one inflicts pain on oneself AW0 Anal without a condom.
Back scuttle Perform anal intercourse Bag The scrotum Back yard The buttocks Balanitis An inflammation of the glands and foreskin of the penis that can be caused by infections (including sexually transmitted infections) irritations, drugs, or other factors. Ball A wild sex activity Balls The testicles Banana The penis Bare-assed Nude Bareback Sex Without a condom Barrier Methods of Birth Control Contraceptives that block sperm from entering the uterus. These are the condom, vaginal pouch, diaphragm, cervical cap, and spermicide. Bartholin's Glands Glands in the labia menorah on each side of the opening to the vagina that provide lubrication during sexual excitement. Basket The bulge of male sex organ in clothing Basket shopping Observing the male organ through clothing Berdache Male-to-female and female-to-male cross dressers who were accepted and performed a variety of roles in various North American Indian societies. The word in its original language is negative, so one sociologist writing about these individuals has used the terms man-woman and woman-man BBBF Bareback butt fuck BBBJ Bareback blow job BBF Bareback fuck BBW Big beautiful woman BDSM In the beginning it was called sadomasochism(sm, s/m or s&m.) People involved in sadomasochism were described as bad, sick and pervert. Since some people did not want to be called or described that way, terms like dominance and submission (d&s, ds or d/s), love bondage and bondage and discipline (b&d) were invented to be different from sadomasochists. In the 90's during the internet revolution all kinky people were establishing arguments to label their kinks. After months of arguments the term bdsm was born. Most of the kinky people were happy after the term was issued. BDSM combines bondage and discipline (bd), dominance and submission (ds) and sadomasochism (sm.) BJ Blow job A strange term for fellatio Beat off Masturbation Beefcake Male possessing sex appeal Biastophilia A paraphilia in which sexual arousal becomes dependent on sexually attacking a non consenting, surprised, terrified, and struggling stranger. This is a kind of rape, but most rapes are committed by normophilic men. Bigendered One who switches between masculine and feminine gender roles from time to time. Bimanual Exam Physical examination of the internal reproductive organs of the pelvis. Biphobia The oppression or mistreatment of Bisexuals, especially by lesbians and gay men. (See homophobia.) Birth control Actions which prevent pregnancy because of sexual intercourse Bi-sexual Engaging in sexual activities with members of both sexes Bisexual/Bi A person who has sexual and emotional relationships with both women and men, though not necessarily at the same time. Bitch A loose woman or feminine male Bladder The organ that collects and stores urine produced by the kidney. The bladder is emptied through the urethra.
Blind An uncircumcised penis Blow job The act of oral intercourse Blue balls Severe need to experience sexual orgasm. The genital aching that may occur when men do not have an ejaculation following sexual stimulation. Women may experience similar aches if they do not reach orgasm, but because of sexist influences in development of our language about sex, there is no common expression to describe a woman's symptoms. Body Image One's attitudes and feelings about one's own body and appearance. Bondage When restraints are placed on the body in any practice to avoid any type of movement Bondage and Discipline Also known as B&D, it involves several sexual practices like bondage, slave training, corporal punishment and dominant/submissive role play Boston Marriage Used primarily in nineteenth century New England to refer to two women who set up a household together for an extended period of time. Some Boston marriages were undoubtedly lesbian in nature, but others were probably platonic. Bring off Ejaculation in the male Bronco Young boy who is difficult to restrain during sex Brown To perform anal intercourse Brownie queen Passive partner in anal intercourse Brown shower Another name for hardsports
Brut service Facial, Cumming over the prostitutes ( Splash it all over ) Bull dagger An extremely masculine lesbian. The term is often used negatively. Bugger To perform anal intercourse Bull-dyke A masculine female homosexual Bummer Active partner in anal sex Buns The buttocks Butch A lesbian who prefers traditionally masculine dress, style, expression, or identity. BV (Bacterial Vaginosis) An inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis) that is caused by a change in the balance of vaginal bacteria.
Camp Behave in an effeminate manner, an affectation usually done in humour which might involve a satirical or sarcastic depiction of the opposite sex. Candida A type of yeast and the most common cause of vaginitis. Caning The use of a cane on a bottom Castration Render the testicles inoperable by surgery Cat or cat o' nine tails Originally it was a whip used by the British Navy. Actually it is referred to all whips which are multi-thonged CD Cross dresser, cross-dressing. Celibacy Not having sex play. Cervix The narrow lower part of the uterus (womb), with an opening connecting the uterus to the vagina. Chancroid A sexually transmitted bacterium that causes open genital sores. Change your luck To engage in a gay sex for the first time Chaste To engage in ordinary sexual activities Chastity Belts A variety of devices designed to prevent women, men, or children from having sex. Used from medieval to modern times, these devices were also supposed to preserve morality. Some were meant to ensure fidelity in women in the absence of their husbands. Others were designed to prevent masturbation and nocturnal emissions in men and boys. Cheat To be unfaithful to one's sex partner Chemical Castration The use of Depo-Provera to decrease sexual desire and arousal. Cherry One who is still a virgin, CIM Cum in mouth Circumcision Surgical removal of the foreskin Chlamydia A common sexually transmitted organism that can cause sterility in women and men. Clap Gonorrhoea or other venereal disease (std) Climacteric The time of change that leads to menopause. The physiological midlife changes for women and men Climax To achieve the high point of sex activity Clit The clitoris Clitoral Hood A small flap of skin that covers and protects the clitoris. Clitoris A small erectile organ located in the forward area of the wife's vulva. Stimulation of the clitoris during foreplay and sexual intercourse can enhance the wife chances of an orgasm Closet The confining state of being secretive about one's homosexuality Closet queen A male homosexual who hides his desires for men Closeted Hiding one's sexuality or gender predilection from others or the public. Closet case. Code word(s) Word or words that are used in personal ads to unnotice sexual proclivities mostly unacceptable in society. Ex: French or Greek culture, clean, discipline, strict, leather, etc. Cohabitation Living together in a sexual relationship. Coitus Sexual intercourse Coitus in ano Anal intercourse Coitus interruptus Withdrawal of the penis prior to ejaculation Cold Unresponsive to sexual relations Colposcope A viewing instrument with a bright light and magnifying lens that is used to examine the vagina and cervix. Come out To acknowledge one's homosexuality, either to oneself or to others; most often a public declaration of being lesbian or gay. Completion Orgasm. For example, OWO to completion means until you cum Comparison Warm happy feelings experienced when noticing ones loved ones enjoying loving relationships with others. The opposite of jealousy Conception The moment when the pre-embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus and pregnancy begins; term also used to describe the fertilization of the egg with a man’s sperm Condom A sheath of thin rubber, plastic, or animal tissue that is worn on the penis during sexual intercourse. It is an over-the-counter, reversible barrier method of birth control, and it also provides protection against the most serious sexually transmitted infections. Consensual An agreement made by parties for certain type of behaviour or activities. When the consent is informed and there is a reasonable knowledge of possible risks is called true consent. Continence To refrain from sexual activity Contraceptive The prevention of pregnancy; birth control. Corpus Cavernosa Two strips of tissue that lie on each side of the urethra in the penis. During sexual excitement, they fill with blood to create an erection. Corpus Spongiosum The tissue that surrounds the urethra inside the penis and is responsible, like the corpus cavernosa, for an erection; also the type of tissue that forms the glands of the clitoris and the penis. Corona Rim of flesh which forms the base of the head of penis Cowgirl A position for sexual intercourse - the man on his back, the woman sitting on top. Cowper's Glands The glands beneath the prostate gland that are attached to the urethra. They produce a substance that makes seminal fluid sticky. Covered With a condom CP Corporal punishment. You used to be able to get this in return for stealing things, but it doesn't work that way any more Crabs Lice which infect the pubic area of the body Cremaster Reflex An automatic response to stimulation (for example, cold temperature or touching the inside of the thigh) in which the cremaster muscle pulls the scrotum and testes closer to the body. Creampie Ejaculation in the vagina (or anus) without a condom Cross dresser A person who occasionally dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex for sexual or emotional pleasure, or both. The most commonly-used term, having replaced transvestite. May be male or female, hetero- or homosexual, bi- or solo sexual, and may partially or wholly cross-dress. Cross-dressing The practice of dressing in clothes traditionally assigned to the opposite gender; also called transvestitism or drag. Cryptorchidism The condition in which one or both of the testicles do not descend from the lower abdomen before puberty. Cum Semen Cum facial Same as facial Cunnilingus Stimulation of the woman’s genital area, especially the clitoris, with the husband's lips and tongue. CWM CyberWhoreMonger. A punter who uses the Internet in connection with his paid-sex activities. This is mainly an American term, and contrasts with CyberCourtesan.
Date Rape Coerced sexual intercourse during a dating relationship. Delayed Ejaculation Commonly used term for inhibited orgasm in men. Depo-Provera® A progestin that is injected into the buttock or arm every 12 weeks to prevent pregnancy. It is a reversible method of birth control available only by pre***ion. Diaphragm A soft rubber dome intended to fit securely over the cervix. Used with contraceptive cream or jelly, the diaphragm is a reversible barrier method of birth control available only by pre***ion. Dirt Sex slave members who's checks bounce Discipline The other part of Bondage (B&D) that could also mean punishment or a structured training of a submissive. Doggie style A position for sexual intercourse - the woman on her knees, the man entering from behind. Dominance Dominance and submission, D/S, D&S Used for erotic enhancement, one partner uses consensual empowerment for the other partner. In SM, dominance and submission are the psychological and emotional underpinnings. Dominant, Dom, Domme, Domina, Dominatrix The person that in a consensual exchange of power is in charge. If the person is a male is called dominant or Dom; if is a female is called a Domme, Domina or Dominatrix Don Juanism The desire by a man to have sex very frequently with many different partners. Dose Gonorrhoea or other venereal disease (std) Douche A spray of water or solution of medication into the vagina. DP Double penetration, one penis in the vagina, another in the anus Drag queen Male who dresses in female clothing Dry fuck Moving against one another, clothed to simulate intercourse Dyad A sexual love relationship consisting of two primary partners Dyke A lesbian Dyspareunia Painful intercourse for women that may be caused by hormonal imbalances, especially those that happen after menopause.
Early Ejaculation Ejaculation occurring before a man wants it to occur. Eat To perform oral intercourse Ectopic Pregnancy A life-threatening pregnancy that develops outside the uterus, often in a fallopian tube. Effeminate De***ive of a male who acts in a feminine manner Egg The reproductive cell in women; the largest cell in the human body. Ejaculation Discharge from the penis during sexual climax Ejaculatory Inevitability The moment during sexual excitement when a man cannot stop his ejaculation. The prostate begins contracting and pulsing out seminal fluid. Emergency Contraception The use of oral contraceptives or IUDs to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. Emergency Hormonal Contraception The use of oral contraceptives to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. Enema An instrument or injecting fluid into the anus to flush the lower intestines. In SM scenes enemas are used for humiliation, for preparation for other activities (fisting or anal sex) and/or for pleasure. Epididymis The tube in which sperm mature. It is tightly coiled on top of and behind each testis. The plural of Epididymis is epididymides. Epididymitis An inflammation of the Epididymis Erectile Dysfunction The inability to become erect or maintain an erection with a partner. Erection The sexual aroused state cause by a rush of blood into the veins and capillaries of the penis, coupled with a valve action which prevents its release, and further aided by the contraction of certain surface muscles on the penis, all of which combine to keep it in a hard and extended configuration until the stimuli is taken away or ejaculation occurs. Erogenous Zone Any area of the body very sensitive to sensual touch. Erotic That which is sexually arousing. Erotica Sexually arousing imagery that is not considered pornographic, obscene, or offensive to the average person. Erotophilia Appreciation of the erotic Erotophobia Fear and anxiety about the erotic. Erotic restraint When movement is restricted for erotic play. It is also referred to the devices used Escort A person who sells companionship and may offer Sex Estrogen A hormone commonly made in a woman's ovaries. Estrogens major effects are seen during puberty, menstruation, and pregnancy Eunuch A male who has had his testicles removed Exhibitionism A paraphilia in which sexual arousal becomes dependent on exposing the sex organs to those who will be surprised. Exhibitionist A person who derives sexual gratification by displaying his body to others
Facial This is where you spunk over her face Faeces Solid waste that leaves the body through the anus. Fake Orgasm The pretence of having reached climax in order to end sex play or please a partner. Family jewels The testicles Fanny Same as pussy, cunny, quim, etc. (This definition is provided for the benefit of Americans, who generally have a very strange idea of what a fanny is.) Fellatio To kiss, nibble, lick or cock-sucking Female Circumcision The practice of removing a girl's clitoral hood, clitoris, and/or the labia; often called female genital mutilation. This is practiced in some African, Near Eastern, and Southeast Asian cultures. Female Impersonator (FI) A male who, on specific occasions, cross dresses and employs stereotypical feminine dialog, voice, and mannerisms for the entertainment of other people. Feminine The "gender role" assigned to "females". Fetish Excessive or irrational devotion to some activity, a sexual interest in an object or a part of the body which someone is interested in to an extreme degree of worship with excessive devotion Fetishistic Transvestite A Transvestite who consistently eroticizes Cross Dressing.May also eroticize fantasies of gender/sex change. Fifth wheel A heterosexual in a homosexual group Fisting The art of inserting the whole hand inside the vagina or anus Flagellation Whipping or beating to sexual orgasm
Foot fetish/ Foot worship Sexual obsession toward feet or shoes F->M Female to male. Used to specify the direction of a sex or gender role change. Foreplay Physical and sexual stimulation (kissing, touching, stroking, and massaging) that often happens in the excitement stage of sexual response; often occurs before intercourse, but can lead to orgasm without intercourse. Foreskin A retractable tube of skin that covers and protects the glands of the penis. FOC Free of charge FR Field report a written report of an experience with a prostitute by a client French French sex. Another term for fellatio. TO PERFORM ORAL INTERCOURSE French kissing Deep kissing, tongue kissing. FS Sometimes means full sex, but sometimes means full service FTM female to male, as in cross-dressing or a transsexual Full house Having more than one venereal disease (std) at the same time Full service Bit vague, but generally means full sex and fellatio Full sex Vaginal intercourse Full strip Should mean that she takes all her clothes off - but beware that she may have a different idea of the meaning. FWO French without [a condom]. Same as OWO or BBBJ.
Gang-bang An occasion on which several men successively have sexual intercourse with one woman, Usually organised parties
Gay Homosexual Gaydar The uncanny and seemingly innate ability lesbians and gay men tend to have to recognize and detect one another; from gay and radar. Gear Any equipment used for scene purposes Gender The social-cultural expression of a person's biological sex (or self-perception of one's sex, which may vary from the strictly biological). Sometimes used to mean expressly male or female. Gender Dysphoria (GD) Unhappiness or discomfort experienced by one whose sexual organs do not match one's gender identity. Gender Identity The self-perception of being male or female, or a combination of the two. Gender (identity) community People who identify as transvestite, transsexual, or Tran gendered, or as members of the gender community. Members of the gender community do not necessarily identify as members of the sexual minority community. (See "transgender community".) Genderfuck Sending mixed gender messages, especially through appearance, such as wearing a prom dress, combat boots and a moustache. Gender neutral Clothing, behaviours, thoughts, feelings, relationships, etc. which are considered appropriate for members of both sexes. Gender outlaw A person who flouts the usual gender roles. Gender role Arbitrary rules, assigned by society, that define what clothing, behaviours, thoughts, feelings, relationships, etc. are considered appropriate and inappropriate for members of each sex. Some clothing, behaviours, etc. are considered appropriate for members of both sexes. Which things are considered masculine, feminine, or neutral varies ccording to location, class, occasion, and numerous other factors. Genitals The human reproductive organs GFE The prostitute provide a girlfriend type experience, ( treats you like her girlfriend, kissing, etc) Give head To perform oral intercourse Glans The soft, highly sensitive tip of the clitoris or penis. In men, the urethral opening is located in the glands. Go down on To perform oral intercourse Golden shower Another name for watersports. One person urinates on another for sexual pleasure. Gonorrhoea A sexually transmitted bacterium that can cause sterility, arthritis, and heart problems. (std) Greek To perform anal intercourse G-string A small brief worn over the genitals
HBV (Hepatitis B Virus) An infection that can be sexually transmitted and may cause severe liver disease and death. Half & half An American term for French and sex. Hand job Masturbation, particularly at the hands of another Hard on An erect penis Hardsports Defecation in a sexual context. Usually means that the prostitute shits over the client, or at least for the client to watch. Hermaphrodite One who has both a penis and a vagina. Hetrosexual One who has significant sexual and romantic attractions primarily to members of the opposite sex. Heterosexism The assumption that identifying as heterosexual and having sexual and romantic attractions only to members of the other sex (than oneself) is good and acceptable, and that other sexual identities and attractions are bad and unacceptable. The assumption that anyone is straight whose sexual orientation is not known, usually coupled with a "blindness" to the existence and concerns of Lesbians/Bi/Gays HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) An infection that weakens the body's ability to fight disease and can cause AIDS. HJ Hand-job. Same as hr Hobby The "hobby" is punting Hobbyist Euphemism for a man who frequents prostitutes. A (habitual) punter. Homophobia Literally, the fear of homosexuals and homosexuality, sometimes merely implied, but often taken to the point where biased statements are made or biased actions are taken against lesbians and gay men. Homophobe One who is afraid of or oppresses people because one (perceives them to) have sexual and romantic attractions to members of the same sex. Homosexual One who desires sex only with the same sex Hormone therapy Used to change secondary sex characteristics, including breast size, weight distribution, and facial hair growth. Horny Sexually aroused; passionate Horse around To explore sexually without engaging in intercourse HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Any of 90 different types of infection, some of which may cause genital warts. Others may cause cancer of the cervix, vulva, or penis. HR Hand relief. Same as HJ H/S Hardsports HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) An infection that can be sexually transmitted and cause a recurring rash with clusters of blistery sores on the vagina, cervix, penis, mouth, anus, buttocks, or elsewhere on the body. Humiliation Part of the erotic control to embarrass or to humble someone by teasing them about their sexual desires. In SM humiliation, ironically, can build a person's self-esteem by reinforcing their sexuality. Hustler Prostitute that searches for customers Hyperphilia Having sex more often than most people. Hypoactive Sexual Desire The lack of sexual desire.
Inclusive relationship An intimate sexual love relationship in which all partners have agreed to form a synergistic group and in which each dyad is warm and trusting. The existing relationship may expand to include more people with mutual consent. Identify/ied (as) To think of oneself as having a particular sexual Identity or gender identity. [I "identify as" a bisexual. I am bi-"identified".] To emphasise that an identity term refers to one's internal reality, as opposed to what others think or observe of one, "self-identify" is sometimes used. Identity How one thinks of oneself. One's internal self, as opposed to what others observe or think about one. Impotent Unable to engage in sexual intercourse Incall Where the client visits the prostitute. Opposite of outcall. Infantilism Infant-like behaviour in role play by wearing diapers, nursing, etc Intersexual A person biologically between female and male, sometimes with genital and/or reproductive body parts of both sexes. Replaces hermaphrodite. At one time meant homosexual
Jack off/ jerk off To masturbate
Jealous Resentfully envious or suspicious of rival influences. Jealousy Neurotic anxiety based on fear of losing control over a partner one regards as a possession. Jock Itch A very common fungal skin infection in the genital area of men that is caused by wearing tight clothing, sweating, or not drying the genitals carefully after bathing. It can cause a reddish, scaly rash that can become inflamed, very itchy, and painful. John One who financially supports another for sex favours/ also known as client or punter
Kicks Sexual thrills
Label How someone else sees or thinks of oneself or others. Lace curtains The foreskin of the penis Latex Material used to make fetish items like clothing Lavender Pertaining to the homosexual lifestyle Lay To perform sexual intercourse Leather, Leather sex, Leather lifestyle A synonym for SM used in fetish fashion and gear. Lesbian A female homosexual. A woman who has significant sexual and romantic attractions to members of the same sex, or who identifies as a member of the lesbian community. Bisexual women often do not feel included by this term. Libido Sexual appetite Limit In SM are the boundaries set by the dominant and the submissive for what to will or to will not do within a scene. Limits must be respected and applied to roles, levels of dominance and submission, time and also activities like whipping and paddling. Load The fluid from an ejaculation
M->F Male to female. Used to specify the direction of a sex or gender role change. Macho Describing extreme masculinity which may involve the subordination of women. Machismo. Male Impersonator A female who, on specific occasions, cross dresses and employs stereotypical masculine dialog, voice, and mannerisms for the entertainment of other people. Masochism Where sexual gratification is achieved by pain Masculine A highly subjective concept of the essential qualities of a man. Master When the man takes control in the SM role play. Massage parlour Usually a brothel. This is illegal in the UK but is tolerated in many areas - although official toleration, as in Edinburgh, is rare. Masturbation Manual manipulation of genitals Matinee A sex session in the afternoon MFS Massage and full sex Mish Missionary position Missionary position Woman on her back, man on top facing her Mistress When the woman takes control in the SM role play. MMF A male-male-female threesome Molluscum Contagiosum A virus that can be sexually transmitted, causing small, pinkish-white, waxy, round, polyp like growths in the genital area or on the thighs. Môn gendered One who is comfortable in only one gender role? (Do people actually use this, or is it just a syntactic extension of "bi gendered"?) Môn sexual One who has significant sexual and romantic attractions primarily to members of one sex. Straight, Gay, Lesbian. Someone who is not Bisexual "Morning-After" Pills Emergency hormonal contraception that is taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. MTF Male to female, as in cross-dressing or a transsexual. Multiple Orgasms More than one orgasm occurring within the same sexual encounter. Mutual masturbation Where partners manipulate each other's genitals
Narcissism One who is stimulated by one's own body Novice A person with lack of experience in SM, but willing to learn. Nuts The testicles Nymphomania The desire by a woman to have sex very frequently with many different partners.
"O" Oral sex Obscenity Sexually arousing imagery that is considered socially offensive. O-levels Oral sex Old dirt road Using the anus for intercourse One way Will perform only one type of sexual activity Oral intercourse A sexual activity whereby the mouth of one per-is used in connection with the sexual organs of another person to produce sex gratification Oral Oral sex. Either fellatio or cunnilingus - usually the former in the context of punter talk. Orgasm The peak of sensation during sexual activity Other sex/gender The other sex or gender than the reference person's own. [She has another sex partner (than her own sex).] [Are you currently in a relationship with a member of the same sex (as yourself)?] OTK Over the knee (spanking) Out [someone] To disclose a second person's sexual identity to a third person, especially without the second person's permission. 2. To disclose one's own sexual identity, sometimes without choosing to do so. Outcall Where the prostitute visits the client's home or hotel. Opposite of incall Outer course Sex play that does not include inserting the penis in the vagina or anus.
OWO Oral without [a condom]. Same as FWO or BBBJ.
Paedophilia Sexual love/attraction of a child by an adult Passing Cross-dressing well enough to be seen as a member of the opposite sex. Passive The person receiving intercourse Pearl diver One who performs oral sex on the penis Pearl necklace This is where you cum/spunk over her breasts/shoulders/neck Pederasty Insertion of the penis into the anus Peeping tom A voyeur Penis The male sex organ consisting of head, shaft and base Perineum The area between the anus and testicles, anus and vagina Petticoat discipline Punishing or humiliating a boy by dressing him as a girl. PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) An infection of a woman's internal reproductive system that can lead to sterility, Ectopic pregnancy, and chronic pain. It is often caused by sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhoea and Chlamydia. Play Taking part of a SM scene or scene activity. Pony training Transformation of a male or female into a pony to be ridden, to pull a carriage or a well-trained horse in obedience Power exchange Sexual role-playing when one acts as the dominant and the other the submissive. Pre-cum juice Natural lube which oozes from the penis piss-slit Pre-operative transsexual (Pre-op TS) One who is actively planning to switch physical sexes, mostly to relieve "gender dysphoria". Probably, but not necessarily, "cross dresses", takes "hormone
therapy", and gets "electrolysis". Primary relationship A committed, long term, live in sexual love relationship which may or may not include marriage and/or shared economy. Primary sex organs Penis (male) or vagina (female.) (See "female", "male", "hermaphrodite", "neuter".) Pro A prostitute Provider A prostitute Prostate Glands at base of urethra which ejects semen Punter A prostitute's client Pushover Easily persuaded to engage in sex PVC Poly-vinyl-chloride Plastic used for fetish clothing or pipes used for bondage devices.
Queen An effeminate male homosexual Quickie A very brief sex act
Rape Forcibly perform sexual intercourse Rectum The tube between the colon and the anus Reverse Means the opposite way round to that which is most common between a prostitute and her client. For example, "reverse oral" means cunnilingus and "reverse massage" means the client massaging the prostitute. Rim/ rimming When one person licks and kisses their partner's anus like oral sex on a female, except to the anus instead of the vagina Ring On Pinky Wearing a ring on the little finger of the left hand has for much of the twentieth century been a code for homosexuality RLD Red-light district Rubber A condom Russian A tit fuck
Sadism, sadist Sexual pleasure that results from pain, humiliation and/or domination. The sadist delivers pain or humiliation to the people desiring it by respecting their limits and by being caring and careful. Sadomasochism, SM Sexual practices in an advanced level where pain , humiliation and power exchange are being used. SM has also dominance and submission, bondage and discipline, love bondage and erotic spanking. Safe, sane and consensual In the SM community are characteristics of acceptable play. During activities, players take safety precautions or they do not participate in practice that could injure mentally or physically their partners. Before the activities they consent by negotiating. Safer Sex Ways in which people reduce the risk of getting sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Safe Word A previously agreed upon signal that means a partner is no longer enjoying a sexual activity and it must stop. Sandwich Another term for DP Scat Another term for hardsports Scene The SM or fetish community or a SM session or occurrence during play. Score To achieve sexual intercourse Screw The act of sexual intercourse Scrotum The pouch or sac which contains the testicles Secondary relationship An ongoing sexual love relationship in which the partners usually do not live together, and do not consider their relationship a first priority Semen The fluid produced during ejaculation of the male Sex On its own often means vaginal intercourse Sex hormones Substances produced by the testes, ovaries and adrenal glands in different quantities in females and males which promote bodily sexual characteristics. Certain hormones artificially taken by men can grow breasts. Other hormones taken by women can grow facial hair and lower the voice. Sexual identity How one perceives oneself as male, female, or in between. A biological female may identify as a male and vice versa. Sexual love The synergic fusing of love and sexuality into a single erotic emotion in an intimate relationship. Sexual orientation How a person chooses to have sex -- with the same or opposite sex, with both, with oneself, or not at all (asexual). Sex reassignment surgery (SRS) Surgery to change, within the limits of surgical possibility, a person's genitals to those of the other sex (and retain the possibility of sexual stimulation). In male-to-female conversion, the penis is converted to a vagina. In female-to-male conversion, the challenge has been to create a version of a penis Sex Worker: One who is paid for providing sex or sexually arousing conditions, including prostitution, striptease, lap dancing, commercial phone sex, and erotic massage. Significant Other One's chosen romantic partner. Sixty-nine Genital oral intercourse performed on each other. simultaneously by two partners Slave A submissive that is involved in a slave/master fantasy. Slave training The instruction of a submissive in a dominant's preference. The submissive’s behaviour is conditioned. SM Sado-masochism. See also BDSM Smash A young woman's crush on another woman. The term was used in late nineteenth century and early twentieth century women's colleagues. Smegma White matter which collects under the foreskin of penis Sodomy The insertion of the penis into the anus Solid sports Another term for hardsports. Solo sexual Having a preference for sex with one's self (a term invented by Valory Gravois; please advise if there is a better existing word) Snowballing The action of kissing to exchange cum immediately after CIM. Spanking Striking or paddling a submissive in their butts. Sperm The fluid that erupts from the penis during ejaculation Spoons A position for sexual intercourse - both partners lying on their side, with the man behind the woman. Stallion A male who possesses a very large penis Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Infections that are often or usually passed from one person to another during sexual or intimate contact. Please refer to here for details. Straight A heterosexual Straight sex Vaginal intercourse Stud A male who is in great demand as a sex partner Suck off To perform oral intercourse on the penis Sugar daddy A man who keeps a younger person for sexual favours Swallows Means that she swallows your cum Swinger One who accepts free love doctrine Swish A male who behaves in a feminine manner Switch When a person trades places in a SM role or physical play. Ex: top or bottom, Dom or sub. It is also a tree or bush branch used for corporal punishment.
Switch hitter A bi-sexual
SWO Sex without [a condom]. Same as BBF
Testicles The male reproductive glands TG Transgender Third sex Homosexuals TLC Tender loving care Tomboy A girl who prefers the activities, privileges and dress of boys, and avoids female restrictions; sometimes used to describe adult women. Tongue (verb) To perform oral intercourse
Toolbox The male genitals Torture Painful actions used to enhance sexual pleasure. Trade A passive male prostitute for homosexuals Training Discipline used by the Dom to control the sub's behaviour, condition and/or attitude. Pony training, anal training, position training, voice command response, etc. can be used for training. Transgender An umbrella term for those who blur the lines of traditional gender expression. Transgendered (TG) One who switches gender roles, whether just once, or many times at will. Inclusive term for transsexuals and transvestites Transvestite A person who dresses in the clothes and assumes the gender expression of the opposite sex. TS, Transsexual A person that mismatches his/her personal psychology. They go for counselling, hormone treatments and surgery. Before surgery a transsexual is referred as a "pre-op" TS and after surgery is a "post-op" TS. Transvestite (TV)
One who occasionally dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex for sexual or emotional pleasure, or both. Can be male or female, hetero- or homosexual, bi- or solo sexual, and may partially or wholly cross-dress. Some have felt the word is a negative medical term; cross dresser and cross-dressing are more commonly used today. Transvestism, tranny Triad The most basic and common form of multi-partner relationship, consisting of three adult primary partners, usually two of one sex and one of the other. threesome
Uncovered Without a condom Unisex Not pertaining to one sex only. Unisex clothing can be worn by both traditional sexes. A unisex hair salon invites customers of both sexes. Unisexual Urethra Duct which carries urine and semen Urolagnia Sexual pleasure from watching another drink urine
Vacuum cleaner One who applies great suction during oral sex Vagina Orifice of female sex organs Vanilla sex Any non kinky sex acts Versatile Bi-sexual VFM Value for money Vinyl Material used for fetish fashions Virility The sexual power and capacity of a male Voyeur One who gains sexual satisfaction from watching others undressing or engage in sexual acts
Walk-up This is a type of establishment that is common in Soho (including Chinatown), A walk-up has an open door leading into a flat (or two or three) in each of which a prostitute works. They advertise mainly by means of a note by the entrance saying "model" and usually giving some details. Watersports Urination in a sexual context. Usually means that the prostitute pisses over the client, or at least for the client to watch. WG Working girl, same as prostitute/escort Wham bam Rapid and hurried sexual activity Wiener The penis With Often means "with a condom" Without Often means "without a condom" Whip Object that can be also a cane, crop, paddle or slapper, or a single or multiple-lash whips to beat a submissive. Working girl Euphemism for a prostitute Work up To create passion or to be passionate Worship To lavish attention to a body part (Ex: feet.) Also, a role playing attitude toward a dominant. W/S Watersports X-frame A bondage frame in the shape of an "X" in a horizontal position