freeabc 发表于 2011-6-18 17:38 只看TA 1楼 |
[转帖] 自家客机降落,韩两陆战队士兵步枪射击 10分钟 疑朝鲜战机侵入,韩士兵果断开火遭韩军误击的客机属韩亚航空 事前载119人由中国出发 来源:凤凰卫视 2011年06月18日 15:12 韩国联合通讯社报道,韩国海军陆战队17号清晨误将一架客机当成是朝鲜军机,向客机开火,发射了近百发子弹,所幸客机没有受损,机上没有人受伤。有消息指那是由中国出发的韩亚航空客机。 报道引述消息说,客机在17号清晨飞越邻近朝鲜的乔桐岛上空,准备降落仁川国际机场时,两名在岛上驻守的韩国陆战队成员在距离客机五百至六百米时用K2步枪扫射,历时约十分钟,估计发射了接近一百发子弹。 有消息指,客机事前由中国出发,载有近119名乘客及机组人员。 涉及的海军陆战队人员声称,他们从未见过这款客机,而且它在正常航道以北飞行,所以误认为是朝鲜空军飞机。 但韩亚航空公司表示,客机从没有偏离航道。 (一位航管员说,这架韩亚航空公司客机来自中国,机上有包括机组人员与乘客在内共119人,在按照正常航线飞行。) 乔桐岛位于北方分界线旁边,距离朝鲜陆地只有大约两公里,是韩国最紧张的前线岛屿之一。 ——— 后续: 韩国联合通讯社19日援引一名不愿公开姓名韩国军官的话报道,两名涉事士兵不会遭申斥或处罚。 “尽管士兵错误判断情形,他们的行为无疑符合军事指导方针,”这名军官说,“但军队会强化对哨卡执勤士兵的训练,以(帮助他们)更好辨别民航客机。” 怀疑新闻真实性的请搜索英文新闻。美联社有报道转引。 以下摘自ap网站 South Korean marines fire at civilian jetliner KELLY OLSEN , Associated Press SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korean marines fired rifles at a civilian jetliner as it was descending to land after mistaking it for a North Korean military aircraft, the airline said Saturday. …… 韩国报道 S. Korean soldiers fire at Asiana passenger jet By Park Chan-Kyong (AFP) – 12 hours ago SEOUL — South Korean troops have fired at a passenger jet flying from China with 119 people on board after mistaking it for a North Korean aircraft, amid increasingly fraught relations on the divided peninsula. Two soldiers at a guard post on Gyodong island, just 1.7 kilometres (one mile) south of the North Korean coast, fired their K-2 rifles onFriday towards the plane, descending as it approached Seoul's Incheon International Airport. Ties between the two Koreas are at their lowest ebb in more than a decade after Pyongyang announced late last month it was breaking all contacts with the South's conservative government. The South Korean Asiana aircraft was flying southeast over Jumun island, 12 kilometres south of Gyodong, towards Incheon, when the soldiers fired a total of 99 rounds including twoblanks, Yonhap news agency said. "The firing continued (for) about 10 minutes but the plane was too far off the rifle's range and it did not receive any damage," Yonhap quoted a Marine Corps official as saying. "When the plane appeared over Jumun island, soldiers mistook it as a North Korean military aircraft and fired." A Marine Corps spokesman confirmed the incident to AFP but declined to give further details. An aviation controller told AFP that the Asiana Airbus 321 was flying from the southwest Chinese city of Chengdu with 119 people on board, including crew members, and was following a normal route. "It was flying normally. It did not deviate from its normal route," the controller said. An Asiana spokesman said there was no damage to the plane as it was too far away from the guard post, adding that the military had inquired whether the plane had suffered any damage. Following the incident, the Marine Corps will step up training for soldiers to help them distinguish between civilian aircraft and enemyplanes, Yonhap said. South Korean soldiers had been alerted to possible provocative acts by North Korea amid simmering cross-border tensions. After a few months of relative calm, since late May the North has been using harsher rhetoricagainst the South's conservative government --describing it as a US puppet bent on fuelling confrontation. The South's Defence Minister Kim Kwan-Jin hastold frontline troops that if the North Koreans attack, they should strike back immediately without waiting for orders from top commanders about how to respond. "Don't ask your commanders whether to fire back or not. Take actions first and then report afterwards," Kim was quoted as saying when he visited the western frontline in March. The minister's remarks came after the South's military was widely criticised for a perceived weak and slow response when North Korea lastNovember shelled Yeonpyeong island, one of five frontline islands, and killed four people. The arrival by boat in South Korea of nine refugees from the North on June 11 has further heightened tensions. South Korea has rejected Pyongyang's demandto send the nine back to the communist state, but the North's Red Cross warned Thursday that relations could worsen unless they are returned immediately. Seoul's policy is to accept all North Koreans who wish to stay in the South, while repatriating those who stray across the sea border by accident. The arrival in February of a boatload of North Koreans sparked weeks of acrimony. That boat drifted across the Yellow Sea border in thick fog, possibly accidentally. The North's military has also threatened an attack in protest at the use by some South Korean troops of photos of Pyongyang's ruling family as rifle-range targets. The practice has been stopped but the North is demanding an apology. Media reports on Friday said the South has deployed missiles capable of hitting the North Korean capital Pyongyang near the tense border. The deployment of the surface-to-surface missiles was in response to a recent rise in tensions, Yonhap news agency and Dong-A Ilbo newspaper reported. —————— —————— 搞笑一则。事情不大,问题不少,颇具喜感。 1. 开火前报告否、确认否、批准否?雷达否、望远镜否? 2. 步枪打飞机,射程外,十分钟,扫射,100发,10发/分钟,打鸟呢 —— 引述一则网络回复:“两把枪,99发子弹,10分钟,这样每把枪1分钟打4到5颗子弹,你妈这什么状况啊,放鸟铳也比这个快啊!” —— 3. 惊慌失措没有经验?搞笑发泄家常便饭? a 军纪不张;b 咋曝光的 4. 天安舰也是这么沉的吧思密达 5. 经查详细报道,发现韩国士兵如此不管三七二十一地对着自家民航机就敢径自开火的行动是遵照韩国国防部长的命令行事的(“不要问你的指挥官是否要还击,先行动后报告。”——韩国国防部长金宽镇,2011年3月于前线)。 6. 诸多新闻中竟未提及的事件时间是凌晨4点;另,飞机型号是空客A320 (据路透社新闻) A Marine Corps spokesman said two soldiers guarding an island on the waters off the South's western city of Incheon fired their K-2 rifles for about 10 minutes at around 4 a.m. on Friday. The plane was later identified as an Asiana Airlines Airbus A320 flying from China making its descent into Incheon, Seoul's main airport. 7. 航班信息:韩亚航空/空客 A321-200/注册号 HL7763/航班号 OZ-324 (据avherald网站, Simon Hradecky, "Incident: Asiana A321 near Seoulon Jun 17th 2011, aircraft under fire") An Asiana Airlines Airbus A321-200, registration HL7763 performing flight OZ-324 (scheduled departure Jun 16th) from Chengdu(China) to Seoul Incheon (South Korea) with 119 people on board. 8. K-2步枪有效射程600m,最大射程2400米(据同9) The K-2 rifles have an overall maximum range of 2400 meters (1.3nm) with an effective range of about 600 meters (0.3nm). 9. 有趣回复见8楼. [ 本帖最后由 freeabc 于 2011-6-20 16:40 编辑 ] |
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该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2011-6-19 09:43 只看TA 6楼 |
韩国思密达胆子太大了,竟然敢对大飞机下杀手,如果他手里不是枪而是导弹的话,是不是又要责怪别人了。本来我还有些相信天安号沉默的指责,现在看是有必要进行新的公正调查了。 |
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freeabc 发表于 2011-6-19 18:57 只看TA 8楼 |
oops By Jordan on Sunday, Jun 19th 2011 02:05Z Sorry Airbus A321 对不起 空客A321 ??? By Jordan on Sunday, Jun 19th 2011 01:49Z ??????? yeah right i wouldn't have bothered with them guns... Complete Spanners.. How dou mistake a Airbus A320 ?? Surly they would have seen the Asiana livery.. Some Eyes need testing 脑残..怎么会误认一架空客A320??该看眼睛了 By (anonymous) on Saturday, Jun 18th 2011 20:15Z It would have been very hard to blame this one on the Russians if they had actually hit theaircraft. Doesn't 10 minutes seem awfully long? 如果真的打到了飞机,这次恐怕很难再怪罪俄国人了吧。10分钟是不是太长了点? By Dale on Saturday, Jun 18th 2011 20:11Z Doesn't 10 minutes seem awfully long to be shooting at a jet that can max it's speed at 900kph? To shoot at this jet flying over for 10 minutes, it'd have to be doing 55 kph or they'd have to have started shooting when it was 30-40 km away. 朝着最高时速可达900公里的喷气机射击,10分钟难道不是太长了吗?要朝在上面飞的飞机持续射击10分钟,飞机只能以55公里的时速飞行,否则他们只能在飞机距30-40公里的时候开火才行。 (笔者:按步枪2400米最大射程,飞机射程内最大有效范围4.8公里。排除盘旋状况,按400公里时速,则飞机处于射程内的时间为43秒) Drunk on duty? By Cluster on Saturday, Jun 18th 2011 18:04Z How does someone confuse an A320 for a military aircraft, and then proceed to try and pepper it with small arms fire that's completely ineffective? I'd be willing to bet the soldiers drank something real good before the incident.10 minutes and no one bothered to call in the 'threat'. 怎么可能把A320和军用机搞混……我打赌这些兵肯定喝了什么真正的好玩意。10分钟而没有人去报告有“威胁” @Miguel By SJ on Saturday, Jun 18th 2011 16:45Z I was thinking along similar lines about shooting at the aircraft for 10 minutes. How could the plane even remotely stay in-range for 10 minutes on appraoch? 飞机怎么可能远远地保持在(警戒)距离内达10分钟之久? By Mikie on Saturday, Jun 18th 2011 16:27Z I'll wager there is more to this story, not that we will ever hear it! A K-2 is an assault rifle similar to an M-16. The plane was more likely to get hit by a random meteor than K-2 fire at the stated range of 5.5 NM. First line of defense... 我打赌有内幕。考虑到K-2类似M-16的威力,飞机很可能被流弹击中了。(笔者:显然没有考虑士兵的素质) By Miguel on Saturday, Jun 18th 2011 15:37Z Amazing story. But, if it were a N Korean bomber, surely the S. Korean's can't be serious about defending their border with a pair of riflemen. Even if the plane were closer, minimum armor would protect it from small arms fire. And, how is it possible that they fired 99 rounds for 10 minutes? Wouldn't it make more sense to call their superiors and alert them of the intruder? 如果真有北朝鲜轰炸机来袭,指望两杆步枪保卫边境不是搞笑吗,就是飞得再近些,最低程度的装甲防护也能使之免于小小步枪子弹的伤害。而且他们怎么可能打了10分钟99轮子弹?难道联络他们的指挥官,警告有入侵者不是更有意义吗? By Wow on Saturday, Jun 18th 2011 12:28Z One thing to note to such a soldiers,if it was military aircraft they would be dead by the time aircraft entered south korean airspace... Is it time to provide radar data to military? What would be the outcome if weather was a factor and aircraft would need to circum navigate it further to the north? 一件事一个提醒那些士兵,如果真是军用机,在飞机进入韩国空域时他们应该已经是死人了。难道不应该提供雷达数据给军方?如果因为天气原因飞机需要在更靠近北边的地方盘旋怎么办? Intel? By Popsiq on Saturday, Jun 18th 2011 11:25Z Note to: to KimJong Il JR about possible bomb run approach routes to Inchon airport. Read. 有疑似轰炸机飞向仁川机场。完毕。 Idiots By Sun on Saturday, Jun 18th 2011 10:16Z Luckily these idiots did not have stings no their hands. Idiots they cannot distinguish with the lights from an low flying civilian aircraft on approach. Firing on an aircraft perhaps military with a rifle is... nonetheless an act to defend their country with say tomatoes or eggs. 很幸运这些白痴手边没有毒刺导弹。白痴这些家伙不认识接近中的低空飞行的民航客机的信号灯。用步枪打一架可能的军机了……不如说是一种用比如西红柿或者鸡蛋在保卫他们国家的行动。 Crazy and lucky By Dubai Phil on Saturday, Jun 18th 2011 09:39Z Luckily these soldiers had only K2 riffles available. Do not want to imagine the outcome,if they had some more serious weapons available. It must have been a strange conversation when the military asked about any damage. I hope that South Korea will increase basic training quality of their soldiers and also consider changing from shoot then ask to think and then shoot. 很幸运这些士兵只有自动步枪,不可想象如果他们有更牛b的武器在手会怎样。…我希望南朝鲜提高他们士兵基本的训练水平并考虑把先射击再请示改成先思考再射击。 [ 本帖最后由 freeabc 于 2011-6-19 19:02 编辑 ] |
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851106 发表于 2011-6-19 19:44 只看TA 9楼 |
估计这棒子兵是受到了金太阳手枪打飞机的启发,想试试自动步枪打飞机的感觉怎么样~![]() 不过说实话,要是事情是真的话,这个棒子兵应该去医院检查一下脑子了,虽然棒子的脑子都不怎么正常…… |
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taiyantaiyan 发表于 2011-6-19 21:18 只看TA 10楼 |
"客机五百至六百米时用K2步枪扫射" 这是什么步枪,有这么凶残的弹道。 朝鲜军机? 有能坐一百多好人的战斗机? 棒子这是在搞笑吧 |
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