在这首Silent All These Years中,Tori Amos的声音异常美丽。你无法轻松面对她的声音,它像一缕和煦的光芒,正在救赎你的灵魂,仅仅靠单纯的钢琴伴奏,Tori便找到了器乐和人声最质朴和谐的关系。“years go by....",当副歌部分响起的时候,一种直指灵魂的力量让人不自觉湿了眼眶,这是一种让人心疼的声音,听这首歌会让你感觉到时间流逝.会让人横生很多想法却又说不清到底想到了什么,像游丝一样的情绪,风一吹就断掉了。她采用钢琴作为主要伴奏乐器的做法不仅恢复了70年代的音乐传统,也使她成为少数几个富有文学性的歌手兼词曲作者之一。她的简单,婉约的唱腔和钢琴伴奏旋律,加上漂亮的女性外表,使得她的音乐具有一种不可抗拒的魅力。 Silent All These Years Excuse me but can I be you for a while My dog won't bite if you sit real still And I got the anti-christ still in the kitchen yelling at me again Yeah, I can only hear But saved again by the garbage truck And I got something to say you know but nothing comes Yes I know what you think of me you never shut up Yeah I can hear that but what if I’m a mummy In these jeans of hers with her name still on it But I don't care Cause sometimes I said sometimes I hear my voice and it's been here Silent all these years So you found a girl who thinks really deep thoughts What’s so amazing about really deep there? Boy you best pray that I bleed real soon How’s that thought for you Your scream got lost in a paper cup Think there's a heaven where the screams have gone I’ve got 25 bucks and a cracker Do you think it's enough to get us there Cause what if I’m a mummy In these jeans of hers with her name still on it But I don't care Cause sometimes I said sometimes I hear my voice and it's been here Silent all these years Years go by will I still be waiting For somebody else to understand Years go by if I’m stripped of my beauty And the orange clouds raining in my eyes Years go by will I choke on my tears Till finally there in nothing left One more casualty you know Will do easy easy easy I love the way we communicate Your eyes focus on my funny lip shape Let’s hear what you think of me now But baby don't look up the sky is falling Your mother shows up in a nasty dress It’s your turn now to stand where I stand Everybody looking' at you You take hold of my hand Yeah I can hear them but what if I’m a mummy In these jeans of yours with her name still on it But I don't care Cause sometimes I said sometimes I hear my voice I hear my voice and it's been here Silent all these years I’ve been here Silent all these years http://f4.wretch.yimg.com/n1222/28/1693032026.mp3 http://f4.wretch.yimg.com/n1222/28/1693032026.mp3
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