temporary internet files里面的东西我都是用360安全卫士做个清理垃圾,一般不手动删除(太多文件了)。主要是里面有些缓存确实可以能减少占用资源。至于你说的那个文件,想删除的话可以用“360”的“高级”里面的“高级工具集”,选“文件粉碎机”,在下面有个添加文件,点进去你自己找到药删除的文件的位置来。 作者: ricardoli1984 时间: 2009-8-10 01:51
帮楼主你google了一下,得到人家论坛上的以下结果“Now a google
search only shows one answer and that is that it appears when Windows Update
is activated. I'm willing to accept that its some kind of tagging or marker
for BITS (my Wild Ass Guess)
But I'd like to have to have some confirmation from someone in the know.