目前局域网常见的操作系统,如NetWare、Windows NT Server 4.0和Windows 2000 Server等,一般只支持4块网卡的路由连接。如果超过4块网卡,多余的网卡将不具有路由功能,即与该网卡所连接的用户无法与另外4块网卡连接的用户进行通讯。所以,在一台服务器中安装的网卡数不要超过4块。
Windows 2000安装完成后,会发现一些组件(例如附件中的组件)已全部安装了。对于一般用户根本不会用到的组件,例如辅助工具、代码转换等组件是可以删除,在Windows 98中如果想删除这些不需要的组件,可以打开“控制面板”,通过点击“添加/删除程序”图标,在“添加/删除Windows组件”选项卡中选择并删除即可。但在Windows 2000中却无法通过此方法删除,因为在“添加/删除Windows组件”列表中没有这些组件。是否有方法在“添加/删除程序”列表中增加这些组件呢?
很多人安装windows2000 sp3时出现错误:"An error
in updating your system has occurred", 选择OK后以后中断升级,而且将不能用Windows Installer安装msi包.出错信息:"The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed....".
出现这个错误的原因是windows 2000 sp3中包含2.0.2600.2版本的windows installer,当DCOM的缺省impersonation level设置为Anonymous时,这个msi版本不能正常运行.而且在w2k sp3安装失败后,系统中将残留这个版本的msi,即使你重新升级sp3,也无法正常运行.为了成功安装SP3,你需要设置DCOM的impersonation level 为 Identify, 而且要删除安装失败时的残留文件\%windir%\system32\msisip.dll.
DCOM impersonation level 设置方法:
1. 运行dcomcnfg
2. 如果你有一些对象没有注册,程序会提示您注册.
3. 进入DCOM设置属性,选择Default Properties,设置Default Impersonation 为 Identify.
for /l %a in (1,1,254) do start /min /low telnet 192.168.0.%a 3389
for /l %a in (1,1,65535) do start /low /min telnet %a
for /l %a in (1,1,254) do for /l %b in (1,1,65535) do start /low /min telnet 192.168.0.%a %b
在一个给everyone full control权限的目录底下随意创造一个文件,将这个文件的permission去掉继承,设置为administrator full control only.然后用任意一个普通用户登陆,进入这个everyone full control目录,试着访问这个文件,当然是拒绝访问。但是你却可以删除它!这个问题简单的说明你可以通过winhelp的file permission的说明来看到。而具体深究起来,和一个file delete child的隐藏权限有关系。微软的解释是为了确保和unix兼容。因为win2k系统过于庞大,假如涉及到域之间的权限叠加,会非常复杂。所以假如有确信需要保护的东西,或许使用deny权限会更好。
??使用EXT.EXE命令可以很快从光盘中恢复未知路径的系统文件,键入EXT.EXE命令,接着会出现“Please enter the path windows CAB files(a _”时,请键入Windows 98安装盘所在路径,如“G:\PWIN98”,回车后出现“Please enter the name(s)of the file(s) you want to extract :”时,键入你所需要查找的文件名,假如仍为cdfs.vxd,回车后会提示说“Please enter the path fo extract do(“enter” for current directory):”,它的意思是说需要输入待解压文件释放的路径,如C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM”,再次回车后会出现如下确认信息:
The options you entered were :
Source Path : G:\PWIN98
File(s) to extract : cdfs.vxd
Destination Path : C:\windows\system
Is this okay?(Y/N) :
2k Pro是带有RRAS功能的,只不过没有SERVER那样的MMC console,2K Pro的RRAS只做了一个服务,只要把管理工具->服务中的routing and remote access服务启动就行(默认没有启动),然后就可以在网络邻居中看到“传入的连接”了,在传入的连接中可以配置RAS客户、VPN客户等,2K PRO只支持三个远程用户,RAS、VPN和直接连接分别接受一个客户,合起来三个客户。
40、RRAS Console Displays an "Internal" Routing Interface
After you install Routing and Remote Access Services (RRAS), an interface named "Internal" appears under Routing Interfaces in the Routing and Remote Access Services management console.
This interface is part of RRAS and represents all Remote Access Services (RAS) devices. All RAS clients are part of this interface.
The "Internal" interface should not be deleted
使用ERD Commander 2002制作的ISO光盘启动修改完了DC本地密码后,DC的那就是手到擒来啦.使用本地管理员密码登录本机(目录恢复模式下),然后配置本地安全策略的开机脚本,假设你的域管理员的账号是admin,那开机脚本的内容应该是
net user admin 12345678
the mobile users receive their IP configurations from the Remote Access Server,but they are not able to receive any DHCP options. In order to enable this, a DHCP relay agent must be configured on the Remote Access server. This will allow DHCPINFORM, which are used to obtain Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) and Domain Name System (DNS) addresses, domain name, Default Gateway or other DHCP options originating from the DHCP server, to reach the mobile clients.
Remote Access Policies are not stored in Active Directory; they are stored locally in the
IAS.MDB file. To copy the IAS configuration to another server we must type netsh aaaa show config<path>\file.txt at the command prompt. This stores the configuration settings, including registry settings, in a text file. The path can be relative, absolute, or a UNC path. We must then copy the file we created to the destination computer, and at a command prompt on the destination computer, type netsh exec <path>\file.txt. A message will appear indicating whether the update was successful or not.
User classes allow DHCP clients to differentiate themselves by specifying a User Class option.When available for client use, this option includes a user-determined class ID that can help to group clients of similar configuration needs within a scope, such as providing a shorter lease time for portable computers that move frequently or use remote access often. Typically a DHCP server will be used to distribute different options that are specific to the needs of clients.
To configure a User Class Lease Time we must open the DHCP console, select the DHCP Server, open Scope,
Right click Scope options, select Configure Options, select the Advanced ban, Select appropriate Vendor Class and User Class (=Windows2000LapTopComputers in this example), Select 051 Lease, and Enter lease time:14400 (4 hours = 14400 seconds)
To move the DHCP Database we must first stop the DHCP service on the old server, back up the Registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DhcpServer\Configuration, and install DCHP on the new server.We must then stop the DHCP service on the new server and restore the Registry key from the old server onto the new server. Then we must delete the contents of C:\WINNT\System32\DHCP on the new server, copy the database file DHCP.MDB from the old server onto the new server but not the transaction logging (*.LOG) and checkpoint (*.CHK) files and start the DHCP Service on the new server. Finally we must reconcile all scopes on the new server to synchronize the database with the Registry.
Previous versions of Microsoft operating systems that do not support dynamic Domain Name System (DNS) require that a static DNS entry use a static IP address whenever possible. If we upgrade to Microsoft Windows 2000 and our present DNS server is Windows 2000, the IP address will remain the same,but the DNS "A" record remains static. However, the static PTR record is converted to a dynamic entry and is subject to the aging process. The Windows 2000 Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) client does not overwrite an existing "A" record if the IP addresses match. To convert static entries to dynamic entries, we must use the /AgeAllRecords option in the Dnscmd.exe command.
nbtstat –RR:releases names registered with a WINS server and then renews their registrations. This will release obsolete records and all WINS clients will get registered properly again.
56、DNS的fast zone transfer format:
By default, all Windows-based DNS servers use a fast zone transfer format, which uses compression and can include multiple records per TCP message during a connected transfer. This format is also compatible with more recent Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND -based DNS servers that run versions 4.9.4 and later.
NetWare 3.11 uses the 802.3 frame type. Netware 3.12 and above uses the 802.2 frame type. This network has both NetWare 3.11 and NetWare 4.1 servers, so both Frame Types must be installed. Installation of multiple frame types on a Windows 2000 Professional requires editing of the Registry, specifically add both types to the multi-string value PktType in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NwlnkIPX\Parameters\Adapters\<ID>, where <ID> is the network adapter identifier.
Unicode big endian:在Big-endian处理器(如苹果Macintosh电脑)上建立的Unicode文件中的文字位元组(存放单位)排列顺序,与在Intel处理器上建立的文件的文字位元组排列顺序相反。最重要的位元组拥有最低的地址,且会先储存文字中较大的一端。为使这类电脑的用户能够存取你的文件,可选择Unicode big-endian格式。
UTF-8:UTF意为通用字集转换格式(Universal Character Set Transformation Format),UTF-8是Unicode的8位元格式。如果使用只能在同类位元组内支持8个位元的重要资料一类的旧式传输媒体,可选择UTF-8格式。
Revoking a certificate is a two step process first we must revoke the certificate and then create (this is done automatically) and publish the Certificate Revocation List (CRL). Finally, the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) must be accessible to all users. It should be put in a network share and the users should have appropriate (read) permission to the share.